Monday, August 20, 2012

Makris: Plant Reproductive Structures

Peace Lily
Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum
Location: 42°14'34.62" N, 71°37'16.26" W
The genus Spathiphyllum consists of the peace lilies, common house plants.  The reproductive structure in a peace lily is the spadix, a yellow, spiky structure in the center of a single white petal, called the spathe.

Red Daylily
Hemerocallis thunbergii
Location: 42°14'34.62" N, 71°37'16.26" W
The genus Hemerocallis consists of the day lilies.  Day lilies house their reproductive structures in the center of their petals.  Most visible in this photograph are the style and the stigma, both parts of the female reproductive structure.  The style is the portion of the pistil, or center shaft, that extends from the ovaries, at the base of the petals, to the stigma.  The stigma is the tip of the style and the part that receives the pollen that comes from the anther on top of the filament, the male reproductive structure.

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