Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Spofford: Animal adaptation for a specific environment

The whiskers of this Northern Fur Seal, Callorhinus ursinus, which are called vibrissae are an excellent example of how Northern Fur Seals have adapted to their environment. In order to survive, Northern Fur Seals feast on fish which they must catch. Since the seal is often swimming through murky waters, it is difficult for it to spot its prey. To adapt to this environment, the vibrassae allow the seal to sense vibrations under water, allowing a Northern Fur Seal to catch prey in murky waters.
Location: 42.359139, -71.049661

The leafy seadragon, Phycodurus eques, lives off of the south coast of Australia. It is well adapted to its environment because the leafy protrusions growing off of the seadragon allow it to blend in with the seaweed and kelp in the ocean. This tricks predators into thinking that the leafy seadragon is just part of the seaweed and therefore, the leafy seadragon has a much lower risk of being preyed upon.
Location: 42.359139, -71.049661

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