Wednesday, September 5, 2012

HChen: Animal Adaptation for Specific Enviroment

Ramphastos sulfuratus,38.93017,-77.049418 The beak helps to keep the bird cool in the hot climate it lives in. "The toucan's bill in the heat of the day was up to 10C warmer than at sunset. The birds appear to be able to alter the blood flow to their beaks to control the amount of heat being lost or conserved. Because toucans, like other birds, cannot sweat, this would be a useful way of controlling body temperature." quote from:
Asterias forbesii, 39.285752,-76.608359 The spines and suckers on the bottom help to pry apart their prey, whether it be barnacles, snails, sea urchins, clams, mussels or even other stars.

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