Monday, September 3, 2012

Makris: C3 and either C4 or CAM organisms

Yellow Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum pacificum
Location: 42°14'34.62" N, 71°37'16.26" W

Corn (Maize)
Zea mays
Location: 42°14'49.99" N, 71°40'41.98" W
 The chrysanthemum is a C3 plant, while corn is a C4 plant.

"Emerald 'n' Gold" Euonymus
Euonymus fortunei
Location: 42°14'34.62" N, 71°37'16.26" W

Ananas comosus
Location: 42°14'34.62" N, 71°37'16.26" W
The euonymus is a C3 plant, while the pineapple is a CAM plant.

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