Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nakata: Different classes of proteins

Top to bottom:
This unfertilized avian egg contains the globular protein ovalbumin, which nourishes the embryo and blocks digestive enzymes from destroying it. 42.244951,-71.635837
The nails on the human (Homo sapiens) hand are made of keratin, a structural protein. 42.244951,-71.635837
The cut on the human (Homo sapiens) hand shows blood, the red color of which is due to hemoglobin; said hemoglobin is a transport protein. 42.244951,-71.635837
The leg muscles of a human (Homo sapiens), such as actin and myosin, are contractile proteins. 42.244951,-71.635837
The venom of the spitting cobra (Naja mossambica) contains a defense protein; image at (

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