This is a picture of light brown sugar, which is a form of sucrose found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". Sucrose is a simple carbohydrate. Sucrose does not require much energy to break down, making it a simple carbohydrate
This is a picture of pasta, which is a complex carbohydrate, found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". The pasta requires more energy in order to break down the carbohydrates, making it complex.
This is a sprayable form of starch, also known as amylum found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". It is an example of a complex carbohydrate because starch is composed of multiple glucose units bonded together, making it harder to break down.
This is Chenopodium quinoa found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". It is an example of a complex carbohydrate because it is a grain.
This is a picture of Fragaria ananassa found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". It is an example of a simple carbohydrate because it is composed of simple sugars.
This is a picture of Daucus carota found at 42°13'51.91" -71°37'31.98". These are an example of simple carbohydrates because they are composed of simple sugars.
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