Thursday, September 6, 2012

A.Jala: Different classes of proteins

Protein: Ovalbumin
Class: Storage Protein
42.28373 N    71.65102 W
This protein is found in egg white.

Protein: Myosin
Class: Motor Protein
42.28373 N    71.65102 W
This protein is found in muscle tissue.

Protein: Collagen
Class: Structural Protein
42.28373 N    71.65102 W
This protein is found in numerous red fruits and vegetables

Protein: Hemoglobin
Class: Transport Protein
42.28373 N    71.65102 W
This protein is found in blood

Protein: Insulin
Class: Hormonal Protein
42.28373 N    71.65102 W
This bottle contains soluble insulin which is a type of hormonal protein

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