Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saravanan: Different biomes

Intertidal Zone
Sargassum filipendula
41.270510, -71.183981

Oceanic Pelagic Biome
various plankton
41.270510, -71.183984

Temperate Broad-leaf (Deciduous) Forest
Carya laciniosa
41.153676, -71.383651 

 Eutrophic Freshwater Lake Biome
Lepomis macrochirus
42.153804, -71.383862

The bluegill was in the following picture, but it's not showing up. I identified it confidently due to my familiarity with the appearance of the species: the light blue tail and dark gray gill flap were most obvious; alas, the fish are almost invisible in the photo below. Some small fish-shaped forms are visible towards the center of the image, and the darkness of the gill flap in comparison to the rest of the body can be clearly seen on two towards the right. The red tinge is due to the fish's bodies. 

River Biome
Pinus strobus
43.262157, -73.391419

An extremely placid tributary feeding Lake George.

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