Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Zhang: Evidence of evolution

The Winter Flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus)
 has evolved over time because it has specific 
adaptations that are important for its survival. For
example, the flounder can adjust and change it's skin
pigment so that it can blend in with the ocean floor.
Also, the flounder is born with one eye on each side of its
face. However, one of the eyes migrate so that both eyes are
 on one side of the face (the side that is facing upwards). 

This helps the flounder notice both its prey and predators. 
Location: 42.35889, -71.05083
The Atlantic Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulinahas evolved over time 
because it originally was land-dwelling as well as an aquatic
animal. 20 million years ago, the harbor seal moved into the ocean
and over time, the harbor seal has had many adaptations. For example,
it has a torpedo-shaped body for faster swimming, flippers
 instead of hands, and a thick layer of blubber for retaining
 heat in the cold temperature of water. When sleeping, harbor
seals are able to float vertically and have only their head exposed
(pictured above). 
Location: 42.35889, -71.05083

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that adaptations themselves are evidence of evolution. Natural selection LEADS to evolution, but is not evidence of it. These won't work.
